Friday, April 25, 2008

This one was for a challenge. Had to use 12x12 pp and at 1-5 circles with at least one being an outline. Plus a tag from a swap. This is different for me but I actually love it!

Asher sneaking back to snatch more cake after his first birthday party.

Maia's 5th birthday party and her infamous pink cake. Man that cake was disgusting!!
Just a sweet pic of Maia and daddy!!

Isaac at his open house in kindergarten. I had to come up with a long title for this one.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

random pages

Isaac from a couple of years ago. This is one of my favorites! 2 years ago. Yes I am really that far behind!!

Maia..Halloween 06

Isaac...just be u

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

3 more for my LOAD challenge

Isaac and Grandpa Tim goofing around on Halloween.

Asher....That dark color on this is navy not black. A little different for me but I think I like it.

Noah, Isaac and Rees. This is totally NOT my style. I don't think I like this one at all but it is done!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

New Pages

The colors on these are sooo much better in real life!!!!

Monday, March 31, 2008

LO's from last week

Isaac made this clone costume himself, which was a huge feat considering he is so NOT crafty:) The journaling is "hidden" in the passport. It talks about how his imagination is huge and it can take him anywhere he wants to go.

I heart this girl


Sunday, March 30, 2008

learn 2 live in the moment

Another challenge: 12x12 cardstock, same CS 5x7, 1 11x7 patterned paper, 1 10x6 PP. Must Use: color green, 9 buttons or brads, 10" ribbon, one other embellie. Title and journaling were free. This was for a contest but my computer went wonky and I didn't get it entered by deadline. HHHHMMMM maybe I shouldn't have waited til the last minute!

Journaling reads
I know this isn’t exactly the best picture out there
But I love it!! It took me awhile to figure out
Exactly what it is that draws me in but I think I
Finally get it. In order for this picture to be taken
I had to let go. Turn control over to someone else.
One of my kids to be exact. For some reason that
Is so hard for me to do. Before I had kids I was
Easy going and spontaneous. Three kids later and
I break down if one thing is out of place. I actually
Let one of my kids touch my camera and take a
Picture of me! I even have kind of a half smile on
My face. This is ME learning to LIVE in the

horsin around

Isaac at the fair. Challenge for this page was: 1 piece 12x12 cardstock, 8x8 patterned paper, 10x6 patterned paper, 3 circles(brads, paper, eyelets...)and 1 ribbon.

Saturday, March 29, 2008


I decided it was just too much to put all my scrapping junk on "because i said so", especially since I joined a LOAD challenge. So here you have it...A place for strictly scrap talk. I will share layouts, sketches and whatever else I may have gotten into in the papercrafting arena!!!