Monday, March 31, 2008

LO's from last week

Isaac made this clone costume himself, which was a huge feat considering he is so NOT crafty:) The journaling is "hidden" in the passport. It talks about how his imagination is huge and it can take him anywhere he wants to go.

I heart this girl


Sunday, March 30, 2008

learn 2 live in the moment

Another challenge: 12x12 cardstock, same CS 5x7, 1 11x7 patterned paper, 1 10x6 PP. Must Use: color green, 9 buttons or brads, 10" ribbon, one other embellie. Title and journaling were free. This was for a contest but my computer went wonky and I didn't get it entered by deadline. HHHHMMMM maybe I shouldn't have waited til the last minute!

Journaling reads
I know this isn’t exactly the best picture out there
But I love it!! It took me awhile to figure out
Exactly what it is that draws me in but I think I
Finally get it. In order for this picture to be taken
I had to let go. Turn control over to someone else.
One of my kids to be exact. For some reason that
Is so hard for me to do. Before I had kids I was
Easy going and spontaneous. Three kids later and
I break down if one thing is out of place. I actually
Let one of my kids touch my camera and take a
Picture of me! I even have kind of a half smile on
My face. This is ME learning to LIVE in the

horsin around

Isaac at the fair. Challenge for this page was: 1 piece 12x12 cardstock, 8x8 patterned paper, 10x6 patterned paper, 3 circles(brads, paper, eyelets...)and 1 ribbon.

Saturday, March 29, 2008


I decided it was just too much to put all my scrapping junk on "because i said so", especially since I joined a LOAD challenge. So here you have it...A place for strictly scrap talk. I will share layouts, sketches and whatever else I may have gotten into in the papercrafting arena!!!