Thursday, May 28, 2009

reflection and U @ FOUR

This picture is NOT upside down:) It is a picture of the pond at Quail Hollow with the sky and trees reflected in the water. That's actually water that you're looking at...not the sky. Confused? I scraplifted this whole layout from one I saw at Daily Inspirations. As soon as I saw it I knew it would be perfect for this picture! I love the brightness and hopefulness of this whole layout:) U @ FOUR: Just a little page with tidbits about Asher's life at 4. I based this off of a sketch but I can't remember where I saw the sketch!! Sorry. This page is much brighter than it looks here!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

A couple of new ones!!

A sketch from here:
I have always loved these pics of Asher and Shiloh. Every single time they heard a noise on the front porch they would RUN to the window and take their positions. Notice how Ash had to climb up on his toy to reach!! Make it sparkle. Another challenge guessed it: I have been really loving this blog!! You should really check it out.

This purpose of this page is to sparkle!! And it really does sparkle in real life. Just can't tell in these pictures. All the swirls sparkle and the pink birdy does too. I also stickled the whole thing up nice and pretty and used glitter brads. The picture really stinks and maybe I will re-take it later so you can get a better idea of sweet this page really is!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Our Old House

I took a ton of pictures of our house when it sold last year. Our family will always have very very fond memories of our very first home. On our very last walk through, before turning the keys over, I snapped pictures of every nook and cranny of this house!! I want to create an album that we can look back on someday and remember our early years as a family. I want to point out that we no longer live in this house or in this town. In fact we live pretty far away:) That is the only reason I didn't block out the addy!!

I came across a new scrapping blog that I just love!! You should seriously check them out!! That is where the inspiration for this LO comes from. I used this recipe. I love me some recipes!! They are great for getting me out of a scrapping rut and thinking outside my box!! The paper is from the DCWV "Green" stack. Let me just say I LOVE this stack!! My secret sister sent me the 8x8 stack and when Andy saw how much I loved it he went out and bought me the 12x12 stack. I was thrilled. The picture doesn't do the actual colors in the LO justice.

The bottom picture was taken just after we bought the house in November 1997. The upper picture was taken just before we sold the house in November/December 2008.


I figured since my 15 year anniversary is coming up next month and I should work on getting at least a few of the photos into an album!! It's been a little intimidating because I am so afraid of ruining them!! I want my wedding album to be cohesive so I have decided to use the same line of papers throughout. Andy (yes he randomly buys me paper)came home one night with DCWV's new stack "La Creme" and I knew right away that it would be perfect for wedding pictures. The paper is gorgeous and has a flocked or velvety texture on many of the patterns. Which lends itself well to formal events.
Mr. and Mrs.
Look I was skinny and Andy had hair:) I used lots of bling on this page. The tiny flowers are Prima, velvety flowers are Bazzill and the polka dotted flowers are Petaloo I think. I cut the swirl with my Home Accents cartridge.


This paper is beautiful. I love all the flocking on can't help but want to run your fingers over it. I sort of layered up the embellishments just a bit. One of my favorite elements to this layout, which is hard to see in this pic, is the lace pinned inside the frame. It looks almost like a piece of the garter. And I love the straight pin holding the whole thing in place. The frame itself was cut using Home Accents (do you see a theme here?) cartridge. All stamps are Autumn Leaves "scribbles". S.W.A.K or Sealed With A Kiss:

This one is not my favorite. After 3 days of messing with it though I decided to give up and call it done. Prima flowers and again I cut the corner swirly's with my Home Accents cartridge. It's very hard to see the epoxy SWAK letters on here but they do show up in real life!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Easter 2006 and some cards

A card for a friend. If you want to see it the way it's supposed to be just tilt your head all the way to the right!! Seriously I can't get my new mini notebook to edit my pics-so this will have to do for now. The Hunt is on. The kids hunting plastic eggs at Gma Ruth's house on Easter Sunday 2006. The patterned paper used on this layout was a gift from my Secret Sister. I just adore this paper pack. Who can resist all the sweet little creatures?

Always Seek Grace. Isaac on Easter Sunday 2006 at my Mom and Dad's house. Again the patterned paper came from a paper pack from my Secret Sister.

Just a card:) If you know who received this card please keep the fact that I made it to yourself:) It's a secret.

A card for the newlyweds.

Pretty Girl. Maia on Easter Sunday 2006. Yes I really am this far behind!!

lil Napolean. This is Asher on Easter Sunday 2006. He ALWAYS used to stand and point like this-hence the Napolean nickname. Every once in awhile we will still catch him in this pose:)

Please forgive the cruddy pictures. The lighting was cruddy and haven't downloaded my photosho[p disc to my new computer yet. Therefore I can't crop or play with the colors:( At least you get the idea

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Oh My Goodness...More Pages:)

Maia on Easter Day 2006. This is one of my favorite pictures of that day. Showing off her moves!! Isaac with the toad Andy and I found on our way home from coffee shop one night. We played with him for an hour than took him back to his home. Isaac named him one hour toad. If you close you will notice you can see through Isaac in one of the pics!! Don't ask me how I managed that one...I have no idea:)

Isaac playing in the snow.

Isaac's first missing tooth. Notice his missing shirt. That kid never wears a shirt!!

New Pages

Asher watching the world go by from his swing on the front porch. Pictures were taken on June 26th 2006. Asher's first birthday party-December 20th 2005. I won that Elmo in a contest last Spring. He was handcut by a lady on one of my scrapping boards.

Asher playing in the baby area at the McKinley Museum. Spring 2006.

One of Asher's very favorite things to do-climb the toy kitchen. Used my favorite cricut cartridge...Home Accents. Pictures taken in Winter 2006.

Pictures taken at COSI in the toddler area. He was driving an "ambulance". I had a hard time getting him out of this area. I wanted to capture his perpetual motion!!

2009 calendar pages

Each year we make our own calendar with pictures from the previous year.


February: Isaac was in a school play called Water is Life.

April: Isaac's last year on ENT

May: Asher helping Daddy mow
June: Isaac

July: Maia in her new bedroom
August: Starting a new school year at a brand new school

September: Hurricane force winds in Ohio

October: Fireman Asher

November: Maia got new glasses

December: Decorating our 2008 Christmas tree

I did use sketches on a couple of these but I forget all the specifics now.